1. Updated unique drops for all named mobs/bosses in Theo Labs and Adma Stronghold. Verified completeness against these lists: http://powerwiki.na.aiononline.com/aion/Theobomos+Lab+-+Named+Monsters http://powerwiki.na.aiononline.com/aion/Adma+Stronghold+-+Named+Monsters 2. Fixed a small issue with viewing another player's gear. 3. Flagged a few more mobs as named monsters. 4. Fixed a bunch of the new asmo Obelisks that came in 1.9. Race check was wrong on them (Trader's Berth and others). 5. Added missing boss spawns to Theo Lab. 6. Added missing named mob spawns to the Abyss. Will set them to be fort controlled as per retail when we implement forts. 7. Fixed unique drops
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